Worst States For Grass Pollen Allergies

3 Best Places to Visit if You Suffer From Grass Pollen Allergies

Allergies are annoying, but grass pollen allergies are the worst. When you can’t even go outside after your neighbor has just cut the grass or you can’t enjoy a picnic with friends because of grass pollen allergies, it can really put a damper on your mood.

The good news for allergy sufferers is that not everywhere in the United States is a magnet for grass pollen. Although places like Florida are among the worst states for grass pollen allergies, other states provide some relief.

If you’re looking to avoid the worst states for grass pollen allergies and find the best, below is a list of areas to check out:

Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest, including states like Washington and Oregon, is known to be a safe haven for allergy sufferers. The climate of this region doesn’t support grass pollen all that well due to a mixture of rain that keeps pollen at bay and winds that push pollen away from coastal areas.

Of course, the Pacific Northwest isn’t completely devoid of grass pollen. The area does still experience heavier grass pollen between May and July.

City Areas

As you may have guessed, grass pollen needs grass and vegetation to spread. No grass means no pollen means no allergies.

Large urban areas tend to have less grass pollen floating around, and these areas can be good for people who suffer from grass pollen allergies. Just like with the Pacific Northwest, city-dwellers can still experience grass pollen allergy symptoms throughout the warmer months, but they’re less likely to experience severe symptoms.

Desert Regions

Desert regions of the United States, including in states like Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada have less grass and vegetation, meaning less grass pollen in the air.

Unfortunately, other types of allergens can affect people in these areas. Grass pollen allergy sufferers, however, may stand a better chance of living in desert climates without the constant symptoms of grass pollen allergies experienced in other areas of the country.

Disclaimer: The above is not medical advice. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about grass pollen allergies.

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