What is Globus Sensation

Signs You May Have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

What is globus sensation? What is Barrett's Esophagus? These are the kinds of questions you may be asking yourself when sitting at your doctor’s office reading over literature about gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD. This is a chronic medical condition in which acid reflux from your stomach goes into your esophagus and causes pain and general discomfort. Given enough time it can even lead to cancer.

If you’re concerned about GERD, below are some symptoms to watch out for:

Pain in Your Throat

People with GERD often experience pain in the throat, especially upon swallowing. This is due to the physical damage that takes place as stomach acid washes back into the esophagus. Pain may be worse shortly after eating or when laying down.

Chest Pain

Because the esophagus runs from the head to the abdomen, it passes through the chest. Some people with GERD experience chest pain and discomfort due to esophageal damage in the mid-chest region. This can sometimes be confused for a heart attack, and you’re encouraged to talk to your doctor as soon as possible if you ever feel pain in your chest.

The Need to Clear Your Throat

Excessive throat clearing is another symptom of GERD. When reflux occurs, it can cause bits of debris to wash up into the back of your throat. This can irritate and lead you to feel the need to clear your throat often.

Talk to Your Doctor for More Information

Talking to your doctor is the first step if you’re concerned about GERD. Medications and other therapies may reduce or eliminate the condition. Oh, and what is globus sensation? Globus sensation is the sensation of something being stuck in your throat, and it occurs when the aforementioned debris washes back up into your throat.

And what is Barrett's Esophagus? This is a condition where acid has begun to eat away at the lining of your esophagus, and it could be a precursor for the development of cancer. As such, you need to be checked by a qualified medical professional to have your throat often checked if you experience the symptoms of GERD.

Read a similar article about dry throat remedies here at this page.