Allergic to Dust Mite

Do Air Purifiers Help With Dust Mites?

Are you allergic to dust mite bugs? You're not alone. Estimates show that at least 10 percent of the world's population is allergic to these pests. That figure gets significantly higher if you consider how many people are moderately sensitive to them!

Dust mites are tiny insects that occur everywhere in the world. The biggest mites are only 3 millimeters big, making them nearly invisible to the naked eye. These bugs thrive in most conditions and feed on dead skin cells. As a result, they appear in even the cleanest and well-maintained homes.

What makes dust mites so awful is that they can become airborne. Both mites and droppings can stay in the air like standard dust. Therefore, you can easily breathe them in and experience allergic reactions.

Fortunately, you can tackle dust mite issues with air purifiers.

Using Air Purifiers to Address Dust Mites

You can't use a standard air purifier if you want to rid your home of dust mites. Instead, you need an air cleaner with HEPA filtration. HEPA filters are highly efficient and can remove particulates as small as three microns. Dust mites are no match for HEPA filters. In addition to removing the mites themselves, these purifiers can also eliminate the waste products they produce.

Air purifiers work by sucking air through the HEPA filter. The filtration medium prevents the mites from moving through the purifier, stopping them in their tracks and preventing them from going airborne. There are purifiers of all sizes and capabilities.

If you are allergic to dust mite bugs and their droppings, investing in whole-home HEPA air purifiers is wise. You can also purchase smaller room-sized air cleaners and position them throughout your home to remove as many allergens from the air as possible.

Other Ways to Address Dust Mites

Air purifiers can make a difference, but there are other things you can do to rid your home of mites. Vacuum your house regularly to remove mites in carpets and furniture. Remember to use a vacuum clear with a HEPA filter for the best results. You can also purchase dust mite covers for beds, steam clean soft surfaces and use a dehumidifier to create an environment not conducive to the mite's health.

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