Fever Caused By Hay Fever

Tips to Help You Get Rid of a Fever

Developing a fever is a common reaction to illness, but in most cases, having a fever isn’t an emergency. Fevers are usually caused by viral infections but take note that you can’t have a fever caused by hay fever, also known as allergies. If you think you have a fever caused by hay fever, you likely have an underlying condition going on that’s leading to a high body temperature. Hay fever is an allergic reaction that, despite its name, usually leads to symptoms like coughing and sneezing.

Regardless of the cause, if you develop a fever, below are some ways to get relief:

Take Medications

Over-the-counter medications like Tylenol or other drugs that contain acetaminophen can reduce fevers in some cases. Ibuprofen medications like Aleve may also help. These medicines are only designed to reduce fevers and should not be taken for extended periods.

You should always discuss any medications with your doctor before taking over-the-counter or prescription drugs to ensure that they are safe for you. Taking too much acetaminophen can lead to liver damage and other adverse health effects, and too much ibuprofen can cause kidney damage.

Drink Plenty of Fluids

When your body is dehydrated, it may hold onto a fever for longer. If you’ve noticed your temperature is above 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, it may be time to drink some water or fruit juice.

Although the standard recommended amount of water to drink is eight glasses of water each day, you may need more than that. Once again, your doctor will be the resource to turn to for personalized advice.

Get Some Rest

Allowing your body to rest is often the key to overcoming a fever-causing illness faster. When you’re sick, your body’s immune system is busy fighting an infection. Rest is a vital component in allowing your immune system to work efficiently. Your body may also generate more internal heat when you’re active, so resting can help to keep you cool.

Disclaimer: The above is only intended for informational purposes. See your doctor if you’re concerned about a fever.

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