Best Cities for Weed Pollen Allergies

Tips on How to Stop an Allergy Attack


Imagine walking outside and immediately experiencing an allergy attack. Unless you live in one of the best cities for weed pollen allergies, that's a reality you might have to face! Millions deal with seasonal and year-long allergies.

There are many ways to prevent symptoms, such as investing in immunotherapy and being careful about allergen exposure. But what should you do if you experience an allergy attack? Here are a few tips on how to stop an attack and get relief.

Take Antihistamines

Antihistamines are a great treatment option for allergy sufferers. They combat the actions of your immune system that trigger an attack. When you breathe in pollen or dust, your immune system goes on the offensive. It releases histamines in the bloodstream, resulting in inflammation and discomfort.

Antihistamines block the histamines. They can relieve inflammation and help you breathe easier. If you suffer from allergies, consider picking up over-the-counter antihistamines and carrying them with you to address attacks as they come.

Use Nasal Sprays and Decongestants

Another option is to use a decongestant or nasal spray. These products are available over-the-counter and can provide quick relief from allergy symptoms.

Decongestants work to reduce the swelling of blood vessels in your nose, resulting in more open airways. Meanwhile, nasal sprays target inflammation and loosen mucous.

You can also consider using a nasal rinse. Rinses are similar to sprays. However, the process involves flushing the mucous that clogs your airways. Unlike sprays, you can't do rinses on the go!

Use Eye Drops

People who live in the best cities for weed pollen allergies usually don't have to worry about watery or itchy eyes. But for the rest of us, it can be a frustrating element of an allergy attack. Watery and itchy eyes occur due to histamine-caused inflammation. Blood vessels in the eyes swell and leak, causing discomfort.

Eye drops provide relief by blocking the histamines that cause trouble. They can also lubricate your eyes for immediate relief.

Read a similar article about the best cities for pollen allergies here at this page.